Education for uncertainty

Why science is perceived as different from art or humanities? And if it is different, what is the nature of this difference and where this divide comes from? Unravelling the fundamental aspects of reality and understand the reality of our abstractions are part of the daily work of art and science.
In its deepest sense, it involves the process of integrating the inventions, innovations, tools and creative methods we use to understand the world and represent our knowledge and experiences. The joint analysis of art and science allows us to connect the domains of explicit and implicit knowledge.
Public lectures included the following presentations:
Frances Westley
Opening and workshop wrap up .
Carl Folke
Education, arts and sciences: The Stockholm Resilience Centre experience.
Michele Root-Bernstein
The art of innovation: polymaths and universality of the creative process.
Laurie Beth Clark y Michael Peterson
Who can convince the sea to be reasonable?
Osvaldo Sala
The new American University: An experiment in higher education.
Strengthening the art-science linkages, present and future agendas.
Marten Scheffer
The forgotten half of scientific thinking.
Gregory Randall
Interdisciplinary experiences.