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Talk/Workshop: “Untangling resilience: Between memory and oblivion”


Talk/Workshop: “Untangling resilience: Between memory and oblivion” Green June 2018, Friday, June 29th, 2:30 to 5:00 pm During the month that marks the celebration of the World Environment Day, SARAS is part of the activities included in Green June, an initiative promoted by the Municipality of Maldonado, among other institutions, by offering [...]

Talk/Workshop: “Untangling resilience: Between memory and oblivion”2019-05-23T18:54:44+00:00

Foreign thesis student researching vulnerability in artisanal fisheries at SARAS Institute


Foreign thesis student researching vulnerability in artisanal fisheries at SARAS Institute Manuela Teruggi is an Italo-Uruguayan student who arrived at our institute two months ago with the aim of completing her research as part of the postgraduate course “Economics of the Environment, Culture and Territory”, at the University of Turin, Italy. [...]

Foreign thesis student researching vulnerability in artisanal fisheries at SARAS Institute2019-07-09T15:20:48+00:00

Water Basins: workshop on challenges and management


Water Basins: workshop on challenges and management Aquatic resource management and their associated governing systems have experienced great transformations in relation to the incorporation of diverse spatial and temporal scales of analysis, the incorporation of new methodological and conceptual approaches and different administration and management paradigms within natural resource management and [...]

Water Basins: workshop on challenges and management2019-07-09T15:26:49+00:00

Postgraduate course on Social-ecological Systems has started


Postgraduate course on Social-ecological Systems has started The 2018 edition to the postgraduate course entitled “Social-ecological Systems: Structure, Dynamics and Management” is being offered in two modes, both in-person at SARAS headquarters and online for international students delivered via Platform EVA. After receiving 78 applications from students from very [...]

Postgraduate course on Social-ecological Systems has started2019-07-09T15:26:01+00:00

Recorded Webinar: What rhymes with resilience? Humanities get acclimated


Recorded Webinar: What rhymes with resilience? Humanities get acclimated This online seminar was held on May 8th, 2018 with an audience of over 40 people coming from 16 countries. The presentation offered by Jorge Marcone (professor at Rudgers University’s - New Jersey, and a member of SARAS Advisory Board) was focused [...]

Recorded Webinar: What rhymes with resilience? Humanities get acclimated2019-07-09T15:27:08+00:00

Project led by the Regional Centre on Climate Change and Decision-Making will seek to implement NDCs in six Latin American countries


Project led by the Regional Centre on Climate Change and Decision-Making will seek to implement NDCs in six Latin American countries Climate change is a reality that is affecting everyone everywhere. Nonetheless, Latin America is a very vulnerable region when it comes to this phenomenon. Scientific evidence is vast and all [...]

Project led by the Regional Centre on Climate Change and Decision-Making will seek to implement NDCs in six Latin American countries2019-05-23T18:12:53+00:00

Our 2017 Annual Report is out now


Our 2017 Annual Report is out now SARAS annual report intends to showcase the main activities and work lines that the Institute has developed during 2017. Every year, our report gives an account of the different education, research and dissemination activities carried out by the Institute which include, among others, local and [...]

Our 2017 Annual Report is out now2019-07-09T15:28:40+00:00

Meeting with the Head of Stockholm University to explore cooperation potential between SARAS and Sweden.


Meeting with the Head of Stockholm University to explore cooperation potential between SARAS and Sweden. The event took place in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, on April 11 and 12. The event was advanced by Matilda Baraibar (Department of Economic History, Stockholm University) and Henrik Österblom (Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm [...]

Meeting with the Head of Stockholm University to explore cooperation potential between SARAS and Sweden.2019-05-23T17:55:06+00:00

Webinar: “What rhymes with resilience? Humanities get acclimated”


Webinar: “What rhymes with resilience? Humanities get acclimated” Contextualization The Environmental Humanities have emerged from an increasing consensus coming from the natural, social, artistic and humanistic sciences stating that the usual economic and scientific arguments fall short at triggering changes among the public to which these courses are directed at. At the [...]

Webinar: “What rhymes with resilience? Humanities get acclimated”2019-05-23T17:45:41+00:00

SARAS participation in the environmental certification program for schools


SARAS participation in the environmental certification program for schools This is a project led by the area of environmental education of the Directorate of Education - Ministry of Education, in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment. It promotes the sustainable development and local response to Climate Change from [...]

SARAS participation in the environmental certification program for schools2019-05-23T17:40:48+00:00
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