SARAS takes part in Uruguay’s UNESCO Chairs annual meeting

Last June 6th, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay, the UNESCO Chairs of Uruguay gathered in their annual meeting to present the lines of work of all chairs currently available in the country.
On behalf of SARAS Institute, Néstor Mazzeo (Executive Director) and Micaela Trimble (Cooperation and Research Coordinator) assisted the event.
The activity gathered representatives from all Uruguayan UNESCO Chairs with the aim of exposing current working topics, the progress achieved on each of them, and the events and meetings that are being planned and developed for this year. The ceremony included an opening speech by the Sub-secretary of Education and Culture, Edith Moraes and contributions from Lidia Brito, the Director of Montevideo’s UNESCO Office.
SARAS Institute is part of the UNESCO Chairs Programme through the UNITWIN Network in Climate Change and Decision Making, whose aim is to support and strengthen the public and private sectors in Latin America through activities of analysis, reflection and training to promote effective integration between science and policy to address the challenges of global change.
At the same time, the new “Socio-Cultural Anticipation and Resilience” chair that is being led by Lydia Garrido was presented. This initiative seeks to conduct action-research that will improve the anticipatory capabilities of individuals, communities and organizations by advancing the theory and practice of Futures Literacy. This is a project that concerns the disciplines of natural, human and social sciences and futures studies.
To learn more about the event, read the article on UNESCO Uruguay website by clicking here.
To learn more about the UNITWIN Network and SARAS work within this context, click here.
Download PDF presentation for UNITWIN Network in Climate Change and Decision Making (in Spanish).
Download the PDF presentation for the new “Socio-Cultural Anticipation and Resilience” Chair (in Spanish).