Thematic cycle: "Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways"


Thematic cycle: "Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways" IX SARAS Public Conference 2019-2021 General description Since 2019, the SARAS Institute has been working on a thematic cycle focused on food and sustainability. After organizing a workshop in December 2019 entitled "Tasting sustainability in Uruguay: towards food systems that work [...]

Thematic cycle: "Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways"2024-01-09T15:06:28+00:00

Knowledge on the table


Tasting sustainability in Uruguay: towards food systems that work for people and the planet 9th. SARAS Public Conference - 2019-2021 thematic cycle Tasting Sustainability in Uruguay: towards food systems that work for people and the planet As it has become especially evident from the COVID-19 pandemic, food stands -like [...]

Knowledge on the table2022-11-18T15:32:51+00:00

December 5th, 2018 - Ecosystem services: knowledge development and decision-making


Ecosystem services: knowledge development and decision-making December 5th, 2018 - 1:30 to 8 pm - 8th SARAS Public Conference SODRE's National Auditorium - Hugo Balzo Room, Montevideo - Uruguay Overview This Conference is a collaborative effort of the South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies (SARAS), University [...]

December 5th, 2018 - Ecosystem services: knowledge development and decision-making2019-09-05T19:01:36+00:00

December 11th 2017 - Environmental Humanities for the 21st Century


Environmental Humanities for the 21st Century VII Public Conference SARAS2 - December 11th 2017, Theater of "Casa de la Cultura" (Municipal Cultural Centre) Maldonado, Uruguay Foundation The role that beliefs, values, culture, and the arts play, or may play in fostering change in the interaction between humans and nature is a [...]

December 11th 2017 - Environmental Humanities for the 21st Century2019-09-05T18:57:40+00:00
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