SARAS takes part in Sustainable Tourism seminar at the Catholic University of Uruguay

Photo by: Universidad Católica del Uruguay

Last September 17th and 18th at the headquarters of the Catholic University of Uruguay (UCU), the seminar “Sustainable Tourism, present and future challenges” took place. The event was organised by the BA in Direction for Tourism Enterprises from the Faculty of Business Sciences at UCU and the Uruguayan Institute of Sustainable Tourism (IUTUS).

SARAS Institute was invited to participate in this event that intended to gather different actors and sectors with the goal of debating the conceptual advances and good practices in relation to sustainable tourism and their linkages to social and business fields. Néstor Mazzeo (SARAS Executive Director) took part in the opening address table by delivering a presentation on “The paradigm of sustainability. Conceptual advances. The resilience Approach”.

This two-day activity included the participation of Liliam Kechichian (Ministry of Tourism), Álvaro González (director to the Uruguayan Institute of Sustainable Tourism), Carlos Fagetti (National Director of Tourism), representatives from the Municipality of Montevideo, the National System of Protected Areas (SNAP) together with a large number of participants which included tourist operators, professors and students.

To learn more about this activity, visit the article published on UCU’s website by clicking here.
Click here to download the presentation given by Néstor Mazzeo.