Bridging the Water Adaptation Gap: A Comparative Inter- and Transdisciplinary Perspective of Regional Risks and Vulnerabilities in Drylands in Canada and Latin America


Bridging the Water Adaptation Gap: A Comparative Inter- and Transdisciplinary Perspective of Regional Risks and Vulnerabilities in Drylands in Canada and Latin America GENERAL OBJECTIVE This project aims to address the existing climate adaptation gap at the regional level to reduce the risks and vulnerabilities of people and ecosystems to climate [...]

Bridging the Water Adaptation Gap: A Comparative Inter- and Transdisciplinary Perspective of Regional Risks and Vulnerabilities in Drylands in Canada and Latin America2024-05-06T16:14:11+00:00

LAPECS – Latin American Network of PECS (Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society)


LAPECS – Latin American Network of PECS (Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society) BACKGROUND PECS is a core project of Future Earth which aims to generate scientific knowledge about the social-ecological dynamics that contribute to sustainability transformations of social-ecological systems. PECS work is mainly based on comparative analysis of long-term [...]

LAPECS – Latin American Network of PECS (Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society)2023-11-22T21:31:34+00:00



Platform for the construction of tools and capacities for the design of sustainable productive transitions in Uruguay DESCRIPTION Sustainable productive transitions in rural areas can simultaneously improve environmental, economic and social dimensions, and also create new markets and export opportunities for Uruguay. However, for the design of sustainable productive transitions, [...]

INIA - SARAS2024-09-23T16:39:50+00:00

Nuevo proyecto internacional en la Laguna del Sauce


Título del Proyecto: Bridging the Water Adaptation Gap: a Comparative Inter- and Transdisciplinary Perspective of Regional Risks and Vulnerabilities in Drylands in Canada and Latin America. El objetivo de este proyecto es abordar la brecha de adaptación climáticas existente a nivel regional para reducir los riesgos y las vulnerabilidades de las personas y los ecosistemas al [...]

Nuevo proyecto internacional en la Laguna del Sauce2023-09-13T18:13:26+00:00

Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways


International Workshop SARAS 2022 Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways Description Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways An Archive of Practices of Transdisciplinary Co-Production of Knowledge on Climate-Energy Futures 1.Introduction The videos, texts and presentations offered here constitute an archive of research practices gathered at the international workshop “Reclaiming Sustainability through [...]

Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways2023-09-19T02:14:47+00:00

Fishing Transformations


Fishing Transformations THE PROJECT Small-scale fisheries are part of a food system that connects fishers, gastronomes, and consumers through the flavors and the pieces of knowledge of the seas, lagoons, and rivers. However, in Uruguay, small-scale fisheries face a paradox: local and sustainable fishing is more valued than ever, but [...]

Fishing Transformations2025-03-06T16:27:40+00:00

Open call to the Executive Director of the SARAS Institute (N° 002/2022)


Open call to the Executive Director of the SARAS Institute (N° 002/2022) Duration: 18 months Interested parties are invited to apply for a Director position for the SARAS Institute, whose headquarters are located in Bella Vista (Maldonado, Uruguay). The South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies (SARAS) based in [...]

Open call to the Executive Director of the SARAS Institute (N° 002/2022)2022-06-06T18:36:33+00:00

Thematic cycle: "Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways"


Thematic cycle: "Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways" IX SARAS Public Conference 2019-2021 General description Since 2019, the SARAS Institute has been working on a thematic cycle focused on food and sustainability. After organizing a workshop in December 2019 entitled "Tasting sustainability in Uruguay: towards food systems that work [...]

Thematic cycle: "Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways"2024-01-09T15:06:28+00:00



MULTIFORUM Anticipation and Futures Literacy Latin America and the Caribbean - November 17th-30th, 2021 PRESENTATION Exploring and Expanding Alternatives. Using the future in a literate way to overcome "poverty of imagination". Latin America and the Caribbean - November 17-30, 2021 The UNESCO Chair in Anticipation and Resilience at the South [...]


World Fishing Day 2021


November 21st. - World Fishing Day World Fishing Day is celebrated every year on November 21st. around the world by fishing communities, who seek to make visible the importance of maintaining fisheries. This day is used as an important reminder that efforts must be made to change the way the world manages international [...]

World Fishing Day 20212021-12-06T16:44:47+00:00
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