En esta área van las noticias.

SARAS participates in unprecedented art and science biennial in Chile


SARAS participates in unprecedented art and science biennial in Chile Since its inception, more than 10 years ago, SARAS vision has promoted the integration of the sciences and the arts as part of its pillars. In this sense, it has generated contributions about what it means to reunite these disciplinary [...]

SARAS participates in unprecedented art and science biennial in Chile2019-07-09T14:50:40+00:00

SARAS launches research project on water governance in South America


SARAS launches research project on water governance in South America Water is one of the most important natural resources for our planet. It has a fundamental role for life in all its forms, and crises related to water scarcity and water quality are issues that affects us all. Therefore, we [...]

SARAS launches research project on water governance in South America2019-07-09T14:51:43+00:00

First workshop on environmental challenges to politics was held in cooperation with Diálogo Político


First workshop on environmental challenges to politics was held in cooperation with Diálogo Político Emerging phenomena such as climate change, disruptive technologies and socio-environmental conflicts currently challenge democracy. Politics and academia need to find better exchange and collaboration means towards the development of sustainable strategies, to achieve this, interdisciplinary reflection [...]

First workshop on environmental challenges to politics was held in cooperation with Diálogo Político2019-07-09T14:54:15+00:00

New guide available: Cost benefit analysis for climate change adaptation measures in the agricultural sector


New guide available: Cost benefit analysis for climate change adaptation measures in the agricultural sector Between 2017 and 2018, SARAS Institute carried out the project "Analysis of vulnerability, resilience and climate change adaptation of Uruguay's productive sectors" with the aim of constructing a system to assess the climate vulnerability and [...]

New guide available: Cost benefit analysis for climate change adaptation measures in the agricultural sector2019-07-09T14:53:49+00:00

Regional Centre on Climate Change and Decision-Making as UNESCO UNITWIN network


Regional Centre on Climate Change and Decision-Making as UNESCO UNITWIN network Climate Change is a reality striking the whole world, but specially affecting already vulnerable regions as is the case of Latin America. Scientific evidence is abundant and reveals that the region will face multiple challenges that will require innovative strategies [...]

Regional Centre on Climate Change and Decision-Making as UNESCO UNITWIN network2019-07-09T14:52:49+00:00

SARAS partners with international network on integrated water resources management


SARAS partners with international network on integrated water resources management Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is the main strategy that this association is promoting between actors and institutions linked to the use and management of water resources as a means to achieve water security and sustainable development. It seeks to promote the coordinated [...]

SARAS partners with international network on integrated water resources management2019-07-09T14:55:54+00:00

A week of learning and exchange to close 2018 activities


A week of learning and exchange to close 2018 activities SARAS Institute had an intense but very enriching closing of the year with the development of different activities during the first days of December. This year, the central theme of the activities revolved around ecosystem services and the [...]

A week of learning and exchange to close 2018 activities2019-07-09T14:56:10+00:00

SARAS present at COP24 in Poland


SARAS present at COP24 in Poland The 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP24) took place from 3 to 14 December 2018 in Katowice, Poland. SARAS Institute participated as part of the project LatinoAdapta: "Strengthening links between science and [...]

SARAS present at COP24 in Poland2019-07-09T14:55:26+00:00

SARAS holds international course on social-ecological systems research in Latin America


SARAS holds international course on social-ecological systems research in Latin America The course entitled "An introduction to social-ecological systems research in Latin America", developed within the context of the SARAS 2018 Public Conference "Ecosystem services knowledge development and decision making", took place last December 2nd to 6th at the headquarters [...]

SARAS holds international course on social-ecological systems research in Latin America2019-07-09T14:58:57+00:00

SARAS 2018 Eighth Public Conference will focus on ecosystem services and management to ensure sustainability


SARAS 2018 Eighth Public Conference will focus on ecosystem services and management to ensure sustainability The term "ecosystem services" is defined as the set of goods and services that human societies obtain, directly or indirectly, from ecosystems. They are classified as support services (primary production, nutrient cycling, soil formation, etc.); regulation [...]

SARAS 2018 Eighth Public Conference will focus on ecosystem services and management to ensure sustainability2019-07-09T14:57:04+00:00
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