About Gabriela Bardecio

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So far Gabriela Bardecio has created 94 blog entries.

Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways


International Workshop SARAS 2022 Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways Description Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways An Archive of Practices of Transdisciplinary Co-Production of Knowledge on Climate-Energy Futures 1.Introduction The videos, texts and presentations offered here constitute an archive of research practices gathered at the international workshop “Reclaiming Sustainability through [...]

Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways2023-09-19T02:14:47+00:00

Fishing Transformations


Fishing Transformations THE PROJECT Small-scale fisheries are part of a food system that connects fishers, gastronomes, and consumers through the flavors and the pieces of knowledge of the seas, lagoons, and rivers. However, in Uruguay, small-scale fisheries face a paradox: local and sustainable fishing is more valued than ever, but [...]

Fishing Transformations2025-03-06T16:27:40+00:00

Open call to the Executive Director of the SARAS Institute (N° 002/2022)


Open call to the Executive Director of the SARAS Institute (N° 002/2022) Duration: 18 months Interested parties are invited to apply for a Director position for the SARAS Institute, whose headquarters are located in Bella Vista (Maldonado, Uruguay). The South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies (SARAS) based in [...]

Open call to the Executive Director of the SARAS Institute (N° 002/2022)2022-06-06T18:36:33+00:00

Open call to the Executive Director of the SARAS Institute (N° 001/2022)


Open call to the Executive Director of the SARAS Institute (N° 001/2022) Interested parties are invited to apply for a Director position for the SARAS Institute, whose headquarters are located in Bella Vista (Maldonado, Uruguay). The South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies (SARAS) based in Bella Vista, Maldonado, [...]

Open call to the Executive Director of the SARAS Institute (N° 001/2022)2022-04-01T14:40:26+00:00

Thematic cycle: "Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways"


Thematic cycle: "Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways" IX SARAS Public Conference 2019-2021 General description Since 2019, the SARAS Institute has been working on a thematic cycle focused on food and sustainability. After organizing a workshop in December 2019 entitled "Tasting sustainability in Uruguay: towards food systems that work [...]

Thematic cycle: "Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways"2024-01-09T15:06:28+00:00



MULTIFORUM Anticipation and Futures Literacy Latin America and the Caribbean - November 17th-30th, 2021 PRESENTATION Exploring and Expanding Alternatives. Using the future in a literate way to overcome "poverty of imagination". Latin America and the Caribbean - November 17-30, 2021 The UNESCO Chair in Anticipation and Resilience at the South [...]


World Fishing Day 2021


November 21st. - World Fishing Day World Fishing Day is celebrated every year on November 21st. around the world by fishing communities, who seek to make visible the importance of maintaining fisheries. This day is used as an important reminder that efforts must be made to change the way the world manages international [...]

World Fishing Day 20212021-12-06T16:44:47+00:00

Webinar of Basin Committees in South America and Europe captivates a wide audience


Webinar of Basin Committees in South America and Europe captivates a wide audience From the GovernAgua project, the South American Institute for Studies on Resilience and Sustainability (SARAS) together with the IEE of the University of São Paulo and the ZALF Center of Leibniz, carried out the webinar “Advances and challenges of [...]

Webinar of Basin Committees in South America and Europe captivates a wide audience2021-09-30T14:40:57+00:00

Design for Transitions: Systemic Approach to Complex Problems Edition 2021


Design for Transitions: Systemic Approach to Complex Problems Edition 2021 Contextualization Course «SARAS2 • T-LAB / Design for transitions: Systemic approach to complex problems I 2021» Developed between the Interdisciplinary Space (Udelar) and the SARAS Institute, within the framework of the Transitions Laboratory (SARAS T-Lab). It is proposed as an [...]

Design for Transitions: Systemic Approach to Complex Problems Edition 20212022-03-07T17:35:00+00:00

Second virtual event: “Food, society and nature: synergies”


Second virtual event: “Food, society, and nature: synergies” Overview Food, more than any other aspect of our lives, connects us to nature. Our daily food choices impact both nature and us. How is it possible to eat well while staying within planetary boundaries? Good nutrition (in quantity, quality and appropriateness) and healthy [...]

Second virtual event: “Food, society and nature: synergies”2021-06-08T14:11:09+00:00
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