UNESCO Future Literacy Summit 2020

On December 8-12, 2020, the High-Level Futures Literacy Summit will be held. This event will provide testimonies and examples of literacy in the use of the future globally.
High-ranking leaders in the public and private sectors will bring together at this summit, but so will activists, artists, students, and academics from around the world. The main objective is to share future literacy processes and its impact on their work and other aspects of life.
“Now, as always, the future is uncertain. Climate change, pandemics, economic crisis, social exclusion, racism, oppression of women, intergenerational conflicts and more, destroy conventional images of the future that humans use to feel safe, to have enough confidence to invest in tomorrow.
This is not a minor problem. Without images of the future that inspires hope and foster collaboration, there is a high risk of despair and war. The malaise of the poverty of the imagination must be overcome. ”
The Summit will have a virtual format, free access (register here) which will take place over five days in which the SARAS Institute, as the headquarters of the UNESCO Chair in Sociocultural Anticipation and Resilience, proposes and invites to a series of activities in which Future Literacy is applied.
From SARAS we especially invite you to attend the talks that will take place on December 10, which have as titles: “Anticipation and adaptation as a challenge in decision-making and collective action for Climate Change” (LatinoAdapta Project of the UNITWIN Network of Climate Change and Decision Making) and “Anticipatory Governance: dilemmas and challenges. Learning from the territories ”(GovernAgua Project: Transforming Water Governance in South America).*
You can consult here all the activities that the Chair in Sociocultural Anticipation and Resilience is organizing within the framework of the Summit.
You can now register for the Summit here: https://unes.co/futures-literacy-summit-register
Contact: futures@unesco.org
*The talks will be translated simultaneously