Thematic cycle: “Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways”

IX SARAS Public Conference 2019-2021
General description
Since 2019, the SARAS Institute has been working on a thematic cycle focused on food and sustainability. After organizing a workshop in December 2019 entitled “Tasting sustainability in Uruguay: towards food systems that work for people and the planet”
Through three thematic axes of work: Fisheries, Agro-export, and Agroecology, various areas of analysis, systemic and dynamic frames are covered (from the micro, the regional to the global). The work on axes has made it possible to advance spaces for debate and collective work that reach and cross topics such as development models for the country, trade logic and local and global policies, habits and consumer practices of the population, customs, and identity. culture, emerging initiatives and opportunities for social change, opportunities for food education and literacy, and review and exploration of future visions and scenarios.
Issues related to food and sustainability touch us all, in our multiple roles as human beings who live together on this planet. That is why through this free online platform, we want to facilitate access to a space aimed at multiple audiences, in search of the integration of plural voices and perspectives.
The organizing team of the Thematic Cycle, together with a series of local and international actors, has carried out a collaborative work process to advance the discussions that lead to debate, imagine, and propose possible sustainable food strategies for Uruguay.
Enriched by the collective space generated in 2019, during 2020 the organizing team has been promoting a series of initiatives and projects that work -from multiple perspectives and thematic focuses, the issues, and challenges that make the sustainability and resilience of local food systems.
Team organizer
Matilda Baraibar (University of Stockholm), Gabriela Bardecio, Laurie Beth Clark (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Isabel Cabezudo, Lisa Deutsch (Stockholm Resilience Center), Mauricio Cheguhem (University of Salamanca, Spain, RESACA), Alejandra González Soca (University of the Republic , Uruguay; Universidad Católica, Uruguay, RESACA), Esteban Jobbágy (National University of San Luis), Silvana Juri (Carnegie Mellon University), Néstor Mazzeo (CURE-Udelar), Mariana Meerhoff (CURE-Udelar), Fiorella Polcaro, Gabriela Torchio (Arturo Jauretche National University), Micaela Trimble.
Activities and Summaries
Learn more about the Cycle and its activities at
Final report here