The Administration Board is composed of seven members is in charge of the Foundation’s management and representation (see details in the Institute).
The Chair of the Administration Board is elected among its members for a period of two years which may be renewed for a further period. The legal representation of the Administration Board and therefore the Foundation resides with the Chairperson and any other Director acting jointly in civil, procedural, commercial, and in relation with third parties acts and contracts, notwithstanding the granting of special mandates to other members or non-members. Minutes of the Board meetings are kept and registered in the appropriate book, in which are summarized the statements made during the discussion, the voting procedure and results.
The Administration Board has the widest powers of administration and disposition, being able to perform all legal acts and take all decisions aimed at achieving the Foundation’s objectives, for which it has no limits other than those arising from its Statute and those that impose the laws governing the matter. Accordingly it may, and without this list meaning any limitation of its powers: (I) promote activities directly related to the purpose of the Foundation and its development; (II) prepare and approve work plans, the Foundation’s annual budget, inventory, balance sheet and statement of income and expenses; (III) observe and enforce these Bylaws, interpreting them as necessary; (IV) grant and/or revoke special powers; (V) open bank accounts, operate with them, request and sign loans and perform any other operations with all types of banks or financial institutions, whether government, private or mixed, now existing or created in the future; (VI) hold any kind of contract, convention or public or private agreement with national or local governments, autonomous bodies and/or any other public authority, national or international private institutions; (VII) always on behalf of the Foundation, it will also be able to buy, give, sell, transfer and dispose of tangible or intangible, real or personal property, values, rights and stock shares, in whole or in part, in cash or in instalments and encumber them with pledges, mortgages, give them in antichresis and constitute usufruct, being able to carry out, with a view to the same, all acts of strict ownership or management; (VIII) rent or surrender possession of real and personal property (urban and rural), cede, give and take on deposit mutual and loan; (IX) accept donations, inheritances or legacies in pertinent terms, to look after the assets of the Foundation; (X) may establish such committees as it deems necessary for the proper functioning of the Foundation by appointing the members thereof; (XI) within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year, the Board of Directors shall prepare an annual report describing all acts of management developed during each period, in which should be specified the activities carried out in pursuance of the institution’s objectives, the resources used and the assets of the Foundation. The annual report must be filed with the administrative controlling authority.
The Administration Board has the power of initiative to raise funds from national and/or international sources in order to comply with the objectives of the Foundation.
The Foundation’s comptroller is in charge of a Fiscal Commission, made up of three honorary members, who are appointed (two) by UdelaR and (one) by the Municipality of Maldonado. They are appointed for two years, and may be reappointed for a further period, as long as they maintain their civil capacity. The Commission is currently composed of Maria Andrea Garcia, Gustavo Morales and Bethy Molina.
The Fiscal Commission has the following powers: (I) examine the books and records of the Foundation, cash audit and the stocks of goods and values, as often as it deems advisable; (II) rule on the inventory and annual accounts approved by the Board of Directors, making the relevant observations; (III) attend the meetings of the Board of Directors when appropriate, or at the request of the Board, with voice but not vote; (IV) present comments to the Board regarding its management as well as the revised records; (V) convene and attend the meetings of the Advisory Council when appropriate or at the request of the Council, with voice but no vote; (VI) ensure that the Board of Directors complies with the Foundation bylaws, as well as the existing legal system, informing of irregularities to the organizations represented in the Board and the administrative controlling authority (Law 17.163).
The SARAS Foundation Administration Board consists of: Cecilia Fernández and Carlos Iglesias (representatives of UdelaR), Cristina Zurbriggen and Jorge Marcone (representatives of the SARAS Advisory Board), Jorge Céspedes (representative of the Municipality of Maldonado), Gerardo Evia (representative of the Ministry Environment) and Micaela Trimble (associate representative).