New short-term Executive Director of the SARAS Institute

On April 22, the Board of Directors appointed Esteban Jobbágy as Interim Executive Director of the Institute.
As part of its constant evolution, SARAS begins a new cycle following the founding impulse of the outgoing director, Nestor Mazzeo, who continues his work as an associate researcher and honorary fellow. Esteban will seek to consolidate the Uruguayan and Latin American roots of SARAS, maintaining the global voice that has characterized the Institute since its inception.
The selection board was made up of Cecilia Fernández (Pro-Rector of Research of Udelar – Uruguay, Member of the Board of Directors), Jorge Marcone (Rutgers University – USA and Co-director of the Advisory Council of the Institute), and Matilda Baraibar (University from Stockholm – Sweden, Member of the Advisory Council of SARAS).
Esteban Jobbágy is Senior Researcher at CONICET in San Luis, Argentina. As an Agronomist, he has focused on understanding ecosystems, water, and their interaction with people, paying special attention to the connection between science and politics.
After this transition period, SARAS expects to summon candidates for the institute’s executive management next year.