SARAS present at COP24 in Poland

The 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP24) took place from 3 to 14 December 2018 in Katowice, Poland.
SARAS Institute participated as part of the project LatinoAdapta: “Strengthening links between science and governments for the development of public policies in Latin America”, which has been carried out since December 2017 by the member institutions of the Regional Center for Climate Change and Decision-Making. LatinoAdapta is led by Avina Foundation and funded by the International Development Research Center (IDRC) of Canada.
During COP24, the National Diagnostics for six countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Paraguay and Uruguay were presented. Their goal was to identify knowledge gaps that limit the implementation of plans and/or actions for climate change adaptation within the framework of nationally determined contributions (NDCs). These were presented during the parallel event entitled “Addressing knowledge gaps in adaptation for decision making in Latin America” and during the press conference entitled “Knowledge gaps in adaptation for decision making in Latin America”.

Those present at the event were: Paula Bianchi, Communications Officer of the SARAS Institute and the Regional Center for Climate Change and Decision Making – Proyecto LatinoAdapta; Enrique Maurtua Konstantinidis, Regional Coordinator LatinoAdapta; Mariana Nicoletti – Brazil Diagnostic Report – Centro de Estudos em Sustentabilidade / Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EAESP) and Francisco Rosas – Uruguay Diagnostic Report – ORT University Uruguay – Center for Economic Research (CINVE).
The National Diagnostics were developed based on a research methodology that involved the development of four interconnected activities: i) an online survey distributed among government decision-makers related to climate change adaptation, and ii) semi-structured interviews to a selected set of said actors (some also part of the academic sector), iii) review and systematization of policies and actions related to adaptation, and iv) a dialogue workshop between decision makers and academic actors.

These studies developed by the national teams of LatinoAdapta will be the basis for planning actions that tend to reduce existing knowledge gaps and strengthen the capacities of decision makers of national, subnational and local governments in their task of preparing policies or the implementation of actions already foreseen in the existing policies.
To access the Side Event “Addressing knowledge gaps in adaptation for decision making in Latin America”, click here.
To access the recording of the press conference “Knowledge gaps in adaptation for decision making in Latin America”, click here.
To download the National Diagnostics, click here.