Open class: Fundamentals of socioecological systems (SES) management and stewardship

As part of Module 4 of SARAS postgraduate course: “Social-ecological Systems: Structure, Dynamics and Management”.
The class will be delivered on this occasion by two guest lecturers, Patricia Balvanera and José Paruelo. The presentation offered by Patricia Balvanera will be entitled “Local socioecological transdisciplinary research for global sustainability”. In the case of José Paruelo, he will present “Functional types of socioecosystems”.
The postgraduate course on socioecologocal systems seeks to understand the fundamental aspects of the structure and dynamics of socioecological systems; analyze the key aspects that may ensure the sustainability of the ecosystems services essential for life on earth and human wellbeing; and to learn about the main management paradigms, their historical evolution and the incorporation of multidimensionality and uncertainty in the analysis and process of decision-making.
Date: Monday, June 25 2018.
Time: 5pm (GMT-3). Please check your local time depending on location by clicking here.
This activity is free of charge but requires enrolment by completing the online form available here.
Access will be available from any device with an internet connection.
Please note that this seminar will be delivered in Spanish.
Organized by SARAS Institute.
More information on the guest lecturers:
-Patricia Balvanera: Professor at the Institute of Ecosystems and Sustainability Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (IIES-UNAM). She is the lead of a global monitoring program on ecosystem services (GEOBON-ES, Global Earth Observation –Biodiversity Observation Network- Ecosystem Services Working Group), and of a Mexican research network in social-ecological systems (Network in Social ecological systems and sustainability). She is the vice-chair of the scientific committee of the Program on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS), one of Future Earth Programs, and member of the scientific committee of the Leopold Leadership Program. She is also a member of SARAS Advisory Board.
– José Paruelo: Research Director at the National Institute of Agricultural Investigations (INIA), Uruguay. Full Professor at the Programme for the Development of Basic Sciences (PEDECIPA – UDELAR) and IECA (Faculty of Sciences – UDELAR). Professor at the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires (FAUBA), Argentina. Superior researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Investigations (CONICET, Argentina).
* Image by Jelle Harmen van Mourik on Unsplash