Livestreaming I Seminar and Public Debate on Emerging territories in the Eastern Region of Uruguay

The 1st Colloquium-Public Debate on the construction of the Territory in the Eastern Region will include over fifty presentations, national and international experts, and will seek to contribute to the decision-making processes on the territory in the region.

From September 14 to 16, in the University Center of the Eastern Region Maldonado and Azotea de Haedo.

To download the programm click here

“Viento del Este” (East Wind) – Ist Colloquium – Public Debate on the construction of the Territory in the Eastern Region is organized by the Regional University Center of the East – CURE (Department of Territory, Environment and Landscape, Group of Studies on internal migration – DCSH, Area of Studies on Tourism) and the SARAS2 Institute. Supported by the Interdisciplinary Space of the University of the Republic (Udelar) through the 2017 Interdisciplinary Events Program and Central Service of Extension and Activities in Udelar through the 3rd Call for Activities in 2017 and the Municipality of Maldonado.