Freshwater futures

The purpose of this meeting was to produce a first map of emerging issues regarding water in the region, and facilitate the formation of cooperation networks related to freshwater management in South America. The meeting discussed critical aspects that determine the current status of this resource in several countries in the region, and the social and institutional barriers that hinder sustainable management and conflict resolution at different scales.
Moreover, the members of SARAS Institute’s Scientific Committee carried out a full day of lectures in the areas of their expertise.
It was organized by SARAS Institute, Interdisciplinary Space, Eastern Region University Centre and the School of Sciences, University of the Republic (Uruguay), with support from the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (Uruguay).
Public lectures took place during two days and included the following presentations:
3 November 2010 Lectures by members of SARAS Institute Scientific Committee
Module 1: Biodiversity and ecosystem services
Jordi Bascompte
(Doñana Biological Station, CSIC, Spain; SARAS)
Mutualistic networks: the architecture of biodiversity
Pablo Marquet
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; SARAS)
Effectiveness of the global network of protected areas in representing species diversity.
Osvaldo Sala
(Arizona State University, USA; SARAS)
Consequences of increased biofuel production on biodiversity.