Ecosystem services: knowledge development and decision-making

December 5th, 2018 – 1:30 to 8 pm – 8th SARAS Public Conference
SODRE’s National Auditorium – Hugo Balzo Room, Montevideo – Uruguay
This Conference is a collaborative effort of the South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies (SARAS), University of the Republic, Stockholm University, Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC), and the Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS), hosted by the Stockholm Resilience Centre’s Future Earth program.
Keynote speakers at this conference will be top researchers on sustainability from Sweden and South America. Government officials and representatives of civil society organizations, among other stakeholders, will be invited to participate in a panel discussion.
The conference “Ecosystem services: knowledge development and decision-making” has been declared of cultural interest by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay.
- To assess contributions based on ecosystem services research in the development and implementation of public policies.
- To contribute to the public debate on the challenges emerged from the inclusion of the region into a global economy, pushing to promote a development based on the intensive use of natural resources. It is an opportunity to bring together scientists and decision-makers.
- To strengthen cooperation on research activities between Uruguay and Sweden.
- This conference will allow SARAS to highlight the importance of including the conceptual framework of ecosystem services when designing, implementing and monitoring public policies.
- It is an opportunity to bring together scientists and decision-makers.
- We will share advances and results of research activities carried out by SARAS members.
Local organizing team
Néstor Mazzeo (SARAS, CURE), Micaela Trimble (Research and Cooperation Coordinator, SARAS), Paula Bianchi (Communication Head, SARAS).
International scientific team
Henrik Österblom (Stockholm Resilience Center – SRC, Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS); member of SARAS Advisory Board), Matilda Baraibar (Department of Economic History, Stockholm University; member of SARAS Advisory Board), Albert Norström (Executive Director, PECS).
Program & Abstracts
To download the program click here
To download Program and Abstracts for presentations, click here
Registration is now closed.
If you have registered and are not able to attend, please fill in the cancellation form here.
Video documentation
To access the video recordings for this event available on our YouTube channel, click here.

Declared of cultural interest by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay