Critical transitions

The purpose of this meeting was to facilitate the creation of cooperation networks related to forests and grasslands in Latin America and the rest of the world. The meeting discussed some critical aspects that determine the dynamics between both ecosystems and the implications for sustainable management, including the evaluation of the social and institutional barriers that hinder that path.
It was organized by SARAS Institute, the Interdisciplinary Space, the Eastern Region University Centre and the School of Sciences, University of the Republic (Uruguay), the Ibero-American Programme for Science, Technology and Development, CYTED (Spain) and the National Science Foundation (USA).
Public lectures included the following presentations:
Osvaldo Sala
(Arizona State University, USA; SARAS)
Forest-grassland transitions and their impact on ecosystem services
Milena Holmgren
(University of Wageningen, Netherlands)
Expansion of dry forests during El Niño events: the South American experience
Gervasio Piñeyro
(Universidad de San Luis, Argentina)
Costs and benefits of afforestation in grassland systems
Claudia Anselmi
(Taller Cebollatí, Uruguay)
Space-time: the woods in our hands
Plenary session
Closing event with national, regional and university authorities.
Claudia Anselmi’s work Lealtades (installation) was exhibited during the workshop.