Compilation summarizes 16 climate change research projects in Latin America

The implementation of initiatives to address climate change issues is often undermined by the lack of sound scientific information that supports them. Between 2011 and 2015, the Climate and Development Alliance (CDKN) provided funding for 16 research projects on climate change and climate compatible development in Latin America, with the purpose of providing inputs for decision-making in priority countries, and strengthening this field of research in the region.

The results of these projects are summarized in this compilation by the SARAS Institute and the Regional Center for Climate Change and Decision Making.

The purpose of the compilation is to disseminate the results of CDKN- funded research in Latin America to university researchers and research centers in the region. At the same time it provides inputs for more in-depth future studies, thus strengthening the academic field in Latin America.

The scope of the project involved 14 Latin American countries with rural and urban areas. The countries were Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru and the Dominican Republic.

The projects were divided into three thematic categories: adaptation to climate change (water resources; food safety; gender approach; climate resilience), mitigation of climate change (policies and measures to reduce GHG emissions (sectors: energy, forestry, waste, transport and agriculture); and risk management (displacement and resettlement associated with climate change, infrastructure risks, everyday risks in cities, vector-borne diseases, climate risk assessments).

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