Colloquium-Public Debate on the construction of the Territory in the Eastern Region

“Viento del Este” (East Wind) 1st Colloquium-Public Debate on the construction of the Territory in the Eastern Region was held from September 14 to 16, 2017.
The activity was organized by the Regional University Center of the East – CURE (Department of Territory, Environment and Landscape, Group of Studies on internal migration – DCSH, Area of Studies on Tourism) and the SARAS Institute.
More than 200 people from different sectors participated in the three days of intense activities carried out at the CURE facilities in Maldonado and at Azotea de Haedo, a cultural space managed by the Municipality of Maldonado.
The activity brought to light the wide range of topics that are linked to the territory (its multi-dimensional nature), the wealth of existing studies on these issues, and the need to address them in a comprehensive manner.
More than fifty papers, posters and documentaries were presented at the event, as well as talks and lectures by national and international experts. Discussions focused on the following 5 main themes:
- Territorial Planning and Governance in the Eastern Region
- Value of natural and cultural resources
- The territory and its socio-demographic dynamics
- Impact of tourism on local development
- Transformative economies and development models
The colloquium ended with a workshop to reflect on the Region’s priority issues, and how to address them moving towards a fairer and more sustainable territory.
The organizing team is processing the information that resulted from the event, highlighting the quantity and quality of University researchers who analyze territorial issues, and the need to deepen the links between them and the different local players.