Coastal fisheries

The purpose of this meeting was to facilitate the formation of cooperation networks related to artisanal fisheries in Latin America. The meeting discussed critical aspects of this sectors dynamics and the factors that condition the sustainability and resilience capacity. Within the theoretical framework of the SES measures and mechanisms were identified to overcome social and institutional barriers that conspire against the sustainability and proper management of small-scale fisheries in the long run.
It was organized by SARAS Institute, Pew Charitable Trusts, the Interdisciplinary Space, the Eastern Region University Centre and the School of Sciences, University of the Republic (Uruguay), and the Ibero-American Programme for Science, Technology and Development, CYTED (Spain).
Public lectures included the following presentations:
Omar Defeo
(School of Sciences, UdelaR-DINARA, Uruguay)
Module 1: Fishing as a socio-ecological system.
Marten Scheffer
(University of Wageningen, Netherlands; SARAS)
Early signals of change and their links with resilience capacity.
Carl Folke
(Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden; SARAS)
Reconnecting the biosphere.
Juan Carlos Castilla
(Department of Ecology, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.)
Marine spatial planning and fishing rights: 20 years of experience in Chile.
Module 2: Partnership: fishing-society.
Nicolás Gutiérrez
(Marine Stewardship Council, UK)
Can community co-management solve the fisheries’ crisis?
Xavier Basurto
(Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University)
Institutional and ecological interaction for successful self-management of community fishing .
Raquel Bessio y Alfredo Torres
(Visual artist and curator, Uruguay)
Bait and fishing lines
Closing event with national, regional and university authorities.
Raquel Bessio’s work Vínculos y Des-vínculos (installation) was exhibited.