SARAS organizes a series of annual symposia with prominent scientists, artists, and scholars on resilience and sustainability issues, including natural science, social science, and humanities. The symposia include discussion workshops and a series of public lectures. The symposia also aim at creating networks that will endure over time.

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Until 2022, the symposia were:

Thematic cycle: "Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways"

Thematic cycle: "Reclaiming Sustainability through HumanitiesScience Pathways" IX SARAS Public Conference 2019-2021 General description Since 2019, the SARAS Institute has been working on a thematic cycle focused on food and sustainability. After organizing a workshop in December 2019 entitled "Tasting sustainability in Uruguay: towards food systems that work for people and the planet" Topics Through three thematic axes of work: Fisheries, Agro-export, and Agroecology, various areas [...]


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