New guide available: Cost benefit analysis for climate change adaptation measures in the agricultural sector

Between 2017 and 2018, SARAS Institute carried out the project “Analysis of vulnerability, resilience and climate change adaptation of Uruguay’s productive sectors” with the aim of constructing a system to assess the climate vulnerability and resilience of different agro-ecosystems.
The project was financed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as part of the preparation of the National Plan for Adaptation to Change and Climate Variability for the Agricultural Sector in Uruguay (PNA-Agro), led by the Sustainability and Climate Change Unit of the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries of Uruguay (MGAP-OPYPA).
Within the framework of this project, SARAS carried out actions and investigations that resulted in different products. In relation to these, FAO has recently published the “Cost benefit analysis guide. Application for measures of adaptation to climate change in the agricultural sector in Uruguay”. This open access online document offers a practical guide for the early evaluation of different policies and projects, using the cost benefit analysis method (CBA) and its application to measures of adaptation to climate change in the agricultural sector.
The guide has been developed by the researchers: Miguel Carriquiry (University of the Republic), Matías Piaggio (Environment for Development – Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center – CATIE, and member of SARAS Executive Team) and Guillermo Sena (Research Assistant hired by SARAS).
To download the document in PDF version, click here (Spanish only).
To learn more about the project developed by SARAS, click here.
Click here to read the article on the Project’s closure meeting and to watch a video including some of the Project participants.