Water Basins: workshop on challenges and management

Aquatic resource management and their associated governing systems have experienced great transformations in relation to the incorporation of diverse spatial and temporal scales of analysis, the incorporation of new methodological and conceptual approaches and different administration and management paradigms within natural resource management and ecosystem services..
With the aim of analysing issues linked to water quality and quantity in Uruguay and Argentina, a workshop was held at SARAS on May 2 entitled: “Ecosystem-services management challenges in water basins of Uruguay and Argentina”.
Presentations were delivered by Esteban Jobbágy (Institute of Applied Mathematics – National University of San Luis, CONICET, Argentina – Member of SARAS Advisory Board), Néstor Mazzeo (Faculty of Sciences, CURE – Udelar – SARAS Executive Director) and Miguel Pascual (Patagonic Institute for Continental Ecosystems Studies (IPEEC-CCT CENPAT), CONICET, Argentina).
Participants included members of Laguna del Sauce Water Basin Commission, researchers and professors from the University of the Republic of Uruguay, governmental staff, the press and members of the general public. The event enabled a space for sharing experiences related to the incorporation of ecosystem-services analysis on water basins, as well as learning about common problems and challenges.

On the days that followed the workshop, the researchers worked on the development of a joint project that will seek to contribute to the analysis of water provision crises as a starting point to understand how societies manage water and how to anticipate to such crises. At the same time, the project will try to understand and transform the way in which science and other forms of knowledge dialogue with decision-making.